Who do I contact to report an injury on the job?
bryan.tramel@riggstree.com or 918-314-4977
bryan.tramel@riggstree.com or 918-314-4977
toni.sharp@riggstree.com 918-786-9956 EXT: 1004
Medical – 3 plan options through BCBS Dental — BCBS Vision – VSP Life - Dearborn 100% company paid You will receive an insurance packet within two weeks of hire, if you do not please contact leann.stowell@riggstree.com or 918-786-9956 EXT: 1003
After one year of employment you become eligible for 401K. Go to https://www.principal.com and start the process today. Contact leann.stowell@riggstree.com or 918-786-9956 EXT: 103
https://access.paylocity.com Company ID:31890 You will need to know your user name and password
Contact the main office at 918-786-9956.
If you are a current employee you can access you W2’s on Paylocity or contact toni.sharp@riggstree.com or 918-786-9956 EXT: 1004
Call 1-888-265-8228 and follow the prompts for current balance or go to www.fintwistsolutions.com and download the easy to use Fintwist mobile app to view your card balance and transaction history at no charge
Call 1-888-265-8228 and notify customer service ASAP. You can get another card mailed via Fintwist, which can take 5-7 business days or Riggs Tree Service can overnight you a new card. Contact diana.jeffries@riggstree.com or 918-786-9956 EXT: 1001
Self-service Portal on Paylocity https://access.paylocity.com